
Showing posts from 2016

Desktop, Android, IoS usage on

Here are some statistics from about usage of different platforms. is a service for companies for asking feedback from their customers and analyzing it. Recommy works so that feedback requests are sent to the customers with an E-mail. The customers click on a link in the E-mail and go to the Recommy webpage where they fill in the questionnaire and give feedback to the company. So here are some general statistics about the platforms that people use to land and access the Recommy page where they give feedback: - On average we get about 50 000 visits a month on the Recommy page. So about 50 000 people click on the link they receive in the E-mail and give feedback on the Recommy page. Desktop vs Mobile: 81% Desktop 16,5% Mobile phone 2,5% Tablet Most popular operating systems: 79% Windows 12,7% Android 5,4% iOS 2,1% Macintosh 0,5% Linux Most popular browsers: 44,3% Internet Explorer 34,8% Chrome 10% Firefox 6,4% Safari 2,7% Edge ...

Protsessijuhtimine - selguse loomise distsipliin

 Kuldar Hansen teeb Recommy koolituse protsessijuhtimise teemal . Tegime lühikese videointervjuu sellest, mis on protsessijuhtimine ja millest tuleb koolitusel juttu. Vaata siit:

Money is a fairytale

 I recently read a book by Yuval Noah Harari called "Sapiens a Brief History of Humankind ". It is one of the best books I have ever read and a real eye-opener. Here is also a link to mr. Hararis TED talk where he explains the rise of the human race.  The main reason why humans managed to be more successful than any other animal races is our capability to imagine things, believe in fantasies and to tell each other about them. It is our capability to understand the abstract concepts without the need to see or touch them. In most they even don't have a physical form. You might think that what is so important in believing in Snow White and Red Riding Hood, but these are not the game changing fairytales. The really important ones that we firmly believe are fairytales like religion, nationality, human rights, capitalism, ownership, socialism etc. By far the most important of all fairytales is Money. All our systems and agreements are based on the belief o...

How much does creating an ICT service cost?

I have now been working with ICT service creation and development for over 10 years. I have been doing this in different telecom operators, in startups and IT companies. Here is my advice to investors and teams on how much money and time you should reserve for starting a new service creation project. I have seen too many times that you get into a new development with big enthusiasm and too little resources and the whole thing dies halfway through the MVP creation. A service is usually a technology provided by a vendor or open-source community that you then develop into a form suitable for your customers. It consists of: - "Backend technology" provided by a vendor or open-source community. (In many cases the vendors claim that their technology needs just "a little design and translations" for launching to the customers....well, it never is so.) - A user interface, web-page, mobile-app that your customers will use and that you usually need to develop yourself. - A...

How to make a country prosper

Many nations in Europe are struggling with the economic growth and are wondering how to get the economy growing again. A tough challenge? I don´t think so. I have lived, worked and done business in different countries and I think it actually is just doing the obvious right things that will get you there: - It is getting all the small things to work and be as effective as possible. This means the public sector, eg. tax department, but also the private. For example in Estonia a bank account costs something like 2 eur/month for a company whereas in Finland it costs 50 eur/month. It seems a small issue, but it is one among many. In Estonia it takes 5min to register a company, in Finland you have to print and send an application on paper. - It is looking at the big picture and not only optimizing the current budget. The government should not just look at the current budget (like in Estonia), but take care also of the term development, like education or solving the declining demogra...

Magical communication experiences

Have you noticed there are a lot of weird phenomenons enabled by communication technologies that we accept as normal: - People walking on the streets and talking to themselves is absolutely OK. We know that they are using their handsfree, but it looks kind of funny, doesn´t it? - People chatting with customer-service bots....that are essentially robots that learn, is just fine. Sometimes we even don´t know that they are robots. There goes the Turing test. - Having a videocall with a latvian in Norway while being an estonian in Sweden is just everyday ordinary work. Nothing special in that at all. We actually do expect that to be almost free of charge. - Sitting on a train no-one reads books anymore, but many are doing work - chatting with colleagues, setting up meetings and writing e-mail.....a bit makes you wonder that why are they travelling to work anyway. Are people already having video-parties? I mean drinking beer in different cities, towns or well...houses and havi...

Magical shopping experience

We live in a time when magic is possible for everybody. Here is one magical thing you should try out.  Go to a supermarket that offers self service buying: like Selveekspress or Coop self-service . Buy the groceries you need and try to do it without talking to anybody. Afterwards reflect what happened.  Here is how I would explain what happened. You walked into a place of abundance, took whatever you wanted and walked home. You only had to beep a "magic card". It was pretty much like living in a garden of Eden....but way better, because in Eden there was only food on offer.  What is even more amazing is that many people, actually most of the people working in offices get power to their "magic cards" by....talking, writing and drawing. Not lifting heavy stones or digging ground, but sending e-mails and doing Powerpoint presentations.  Isn't life great and magical! :-)

Will Gazprom have the fate of Kodak?

If you have not seen this TED talk from Al Gore about the Climate Crisis then I would recommend it. Surprisingly optimistic! Al Gore makes the point that we can be optimistic because renewable energy solutions are on the verge of becoming cheaper than fossil energy solutions. Is the situation in the energy sector similar to the situation with film and digital photography in the beginning of the 21st century? I would be optimistic and say Yes. Here are some arguments I would like to add to this discussion: - When comparing fossil and solar-wind energy then besides the cost of the energy production it is also important to note the costs of grid. As most of us can read from their energy bill the grid costs stand for more than 2/3 of the whole cost - with the current low energy prices. Grid companies are usually huge monopolies, powerlines are expensive and therefore the costs of the grid will not go down. However, w...

A radical idea about public TV

TV business like all media business is in the middle of a big shift and the players in the market need to adapt. Public TV (like YLE in Finland, SVT in Sweden or ERR in Estonia) serves a mission in our societies and is key in supporting democracy and culture. To keep up with this and provide un-biased information the public TV programs should have good news, debate programs, documentaries and similar. On the other side thanks to the decline of linear TV it is soon no longer necessary to fill the whole day with a program and it will be enough to just publish news and programs. This means that the public TV-s can skip showing movies, shows, series and entertainment. I would actually say that showing entertainment on public TV serves no purpose on supporting democracy and therefore can be considered as unfair competition to the private TV channels. Is should be stopped. We should stop spending taxpayers money on entertainment on public TV and stop competing with the private channels wit...

Dangers of using SCRUM, Process management and especially RACI model

I have seen and been involved in designing processes and writing role descriptions in different organisations. Sometimes the work is really concrete and useful, sometimes it can become really high-level and filosofical.....time consuming, expensive and restricting. Here are some comments I would like to make on the issue: -The level of detail needed in the models indicates how bad the relations and teamwork are in your teams. If it is on the level of "I take care of the technology and all around it" then you have a good team. - Detailed and popular models like SCRUM and SAFe are necessary in teams where there are new members and or members from different organizations or cultures. The familiar methods make co-working easier when there is no time to build trust. - Detailed role definitions and methodologies are dangerous. Even the most detailed descriptions and models do not take into account all the possible scenarios and it can easily happen that everyone does their tasks...