
Showing posts from December, 2016

Desktop, Android, IoS usage on

Here are some statistics from about usage of different platforms. is a service for companies for asking feedback from their customers and analyzing it. Recommy works so that feedback requests are sent to the customers with an E-mail. The customers click on a link in the E-mail and go to the Recommy webpage where they fill in the questionnaire and give feedback to the company. So here are some general statistics about the platforms that people use to land and access the Recommy page where they give feedback: - On average we get about 50 000 visits a month on the Recommy page. So about 50 000 people click on the link they receive in the E-mail and give feedback on the Recommy page. Desktop vs Mobile: 81% Desktop 16,5% Mobile phone 2,5% Tablet Most popular operating systems: 79% Windows 12,7% Android 5,4% iOS 2,1% Macintosh 0,5% Linux Most popular browsers: 44,3% Internet Explorer 34,8% Chrome 10% Firefox 6,4% Safari 2,7% Edge ...