
Showing posts from 2020

IT ja konsultatsioonifirmade kasvust Solita näitel

Esinesin 22.10.2020 Äripäeva korraldatud IKT konverentsil ja rääkisin IT ettevõtete kasvust Solita näitel. Jagan ka siin mõned mõtted sellel teemal. Kui mina liitusin Solitaga aastal 2017, siis olid Eesti ja Rootsi esimesed riigid väljaspool Soomet kus Solita avas oma kontori. Tänaseks on Solita ekspertide arv ületanud 1000 ja oleme kohal kuues riigis: Soomes, Rootsis, Eestis, Taanis, Belgias ja Saksamaal. Kasv on olnud kiire. Osaliselt on kasv toimunud ka läbi kahe ettevõtte - Sparks ja Ferrologic - ostmise, aga ka orgaaniliselt. Allpool olevad mõtted ongi orgaanilise kasvu kohta, sest M&A vajab ilmselt omaette käsitlust. IT, disaini ja muid konsultatsioonifirmasid iseloomustab see, et firma äri suurus on otseses seoses töötajate arvuga. Erinevalt toote- ja teenuse firmadest tähendab kasv uute ekspertide palkamist ja uute klientide ning projektide müüki. Kolm modus operandi -t Välismaale laienemiseks või ka oma kodumaal laienedes on konsultatsiooni ettevõttel kolm viisi toimimisek

Opening up

Today Estonia, and many other European countries are opening up some of the COVID-19 quarantine measures. For me, it seems strange, than in evaluating choosing the measures to be opened there is almost now discussion on how important or even critical the activity is for society and people. What is the damage if this activity is not available. For example, dentists and hairdressers were both opened only today. Swimming pools are opened, but schools are not. Opening up football leagues or holding the Olympics seems to be among TOP-3 topics in the news. To provoke a discussion around this question I drew a graph. This is the type of two dimensional diagram that should be the basis on deciding on quarantine measures. Naturally, this includes only a very limited number of activities and we can argue about the importance of activities but I am sure that everybody agrees for example that: - Food processing is more important than making toys - School is more important than hobbies -

How we will beat the virus

I am not a virologist nor do I have a medical education so the analysis underneath should be taken as an idea or a suggestion. I am a hobby-historian, follow news actively and I can take credit for the fact that I bought face-mask already in January. Then they were freely available, cost 0,1eur a piece and everybody thought that I have a paranoia when I bought them. So how we will beat the virus. It is actually quite straightforward. States, cities and families have always beat diseases in principally the same way: by raising the level of hygiene. Typhus and cholera was beaten by cleaning the water and building proper sewage systems. Washing hands, washing teeth, wearing underwear, vaccination, following strict rules in food production - all these measures have served us by eliminating the risk of getting one or more diseases. Mind you, some countries have not implemented these measures and thus bare the consequences: cholera in Haiti, hepatitis in India etc. With Covid-19 the situ

How the coronavirus related quarantine will influence the economy

We have now been working from home for a little more than a week due to the coronavirus quarantine. Based on this first experience it is possible to make some predictions on how the situation will influence the economy in the near future. The results might look a bit scary, but the logic is quite straightforward. Very important thing to understand about how the economy works is the concept that "Your spending is someones income". Meaning that in the big picture money is not something physical, but an abstract concept - it is more like a measurement unit that measures value or work. Therefore saving money is different from saving something physical. If you save for example sugar then you will later have more sugar that you can then spend. If you save money then this is away from the overall process of economics and if you don't pay the others, then the others will not pay your salary. Now when we have the first real experience on remote working and living, we can look