
Showing posts from 2017

Starting the Solita development center in Tallinn

I am proud to announce that from October 2017 I have the honour to lead the Solita Development Center in Tallinn. Solita is one of the leading IT and digital service providers in Finland and we are now expanding to international markets. We have opened an office in Stockholm to serve Swedish and Scandinavian customers and we are now opening a development center in Tallinn to serve Solita's Nordic customers. You can read more about Solita's services on our webpage , but in one sentence I would say that "We make our customers succeed with the help of IT tools and service design". We are working with big Nordic companies and organizations. We work in the areas of data analytics, data warehouses, service concepts and also with more traditional IT like software development, system integration and information systems. We work with IT for big organizations so our work really has a big impact and meaning. The plans for the development center in Tallinn are quite ambiti...

How product development and R&D has changed in the last 10-15 years (in telecoms)

I have been working with product and service development in the telecom and IT industry for over 15 years and here are some thoughts about the change we have vitnessed in it. Firstly, the product development my teams have worked with is taking existing software, hardware, devices and combining them into a service that is easy to use by business or private customers. This means integrating hardware, software, IT systems and devices. Building sometimes customer portals and making the overall experience seamless. On top of that we add customer service, help, support and sales. As you can see this is not R&D in the classical sense, but it is a lot of technical work, software development and also team building and process development. We literally take components from AliExpress and other vendors, system software from open-source communities and software vendors, and integrate it all together to make it one service that is easy to use. In the last 10 years the situatio...

Belbini meeskonnarollidest

Mats Soomre on Belbini metoodika maaletooja Eestis. Rääkisime temaga videointervjuus Belbini meeskonnarollidest.  Minu jaoks on tegemist väga huvitava teemaga ja vähemalt isiklikult sain oma tööks siit vajaliku tõdemuse: Edukaks tiimitööks peavad tiimis olema kaetud erinevad rollid. Seda tuleb jälgida ja märgata. Seejuures on oluline täheldada, et inimese sobitumine või kasvamine tema persooniga mitte sobivasse rolli on üsna pikk, vaevaline ja tihti ka mõttetu ettevõtmine. Palju mõistlikum on leida tiimi sellised tegijad kes sobivad omavahel ja katavad ära kogu edukaks tööks vajaliku isiksuste spektri. Head vaatamist! Need 5+5 minutit aega on kasulik investeering. :-) Esimeses intervjuus räägib Mats sellest, mis on Belbini meeskonnarollid: Teises intervjuus rääkisime näidete varal veidi täpsemalt mõnest konkreetsest Belbini meeskonnarollist: