
Showing posts from February, 2015

My Services

Connecting business and technology to develop and grow new services. Success in the ICT business happens when good business ideas are realized with good technology and people are led to make it happen. This is where I have a lot of experience and I offer my knowledge as a service. I am based in Tallinn, Estonia, but I work regionally with projects in the Baltic and Nordic region. My experience in Business: I am a co-founder in and know how tough business and sales actually is. I definitely know a lot of things that do not work. I have analyzed numerous business cases in TeliaSonera, Elion, MicroLink and Estonian Telekom. I have developed and sold ICT services to big corporate customers and to TeliaSonera daughter companies from Denmark, Sweden and Finland to Nepal. I have turned bankrupt or non-growing activities into success I have a cum laude MBA degree I am a member in the Estonian Business Angel Network (EstBAN) My experience in Leadership and...